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How to style (add css) to material-table (React)?

I've been searching for a few days now and can't find anything. I'm using material-table in React but can't figure how to add css in headers (columns of the table) and the content [like changing font size, width and making table rows of striped background].

Can anyone tell me how I can do it?

For reference, here's the current Material table I have and I want to make the rows striped and change the look of headers (column names)

      selection: true
      search: false,
      sorting: true
        icon: () => <Checkbox />,
        tooltip: 'checkbox'
        icon: () => <InfoIcon />,
        tooltip: 'info',
        onClick: (event, item) => {
            isOpen: true,
            selectedItem: item

Edit: Also, can't figure out how to change the content of the rows. Like for example I want to add an icon in front of every item corresponding to its data. Currently, I'm just using a js array to display the static data but I can't edit it.

Just define the styles within the columns property:

    columns: {[
            title: 'Name', field: 'name',
            cellStyle: {
              backgroundColor: '#039be5',
              color: '#FFF'
            headerStyle: {
              backgroundColor: '#039be5',
          // Other columns

See https://material-table.com/#/docs/features/styling

if you want to add an icon inside your data( rows/cells), you can use built-in render callback in columns definition like this :

const handleTableColumns = (cols) => {
    return cols.map((col) => ({
        render: (rowData) => {
            return ( 
                <span style = {{display: 'flex'}} >
                    <KeyboardArrowRightIcon /> 
                    { rowData[col.id]} 


this will insert the icon <KeyboardArrowRightIcon /> in front of every cell of each row, so in materialTable component you have to use handleTableColumns as columns :

    style={{ padding: '0 8px' }}

Options can be passed with a key rowstyle. Where you can configure the background colour.

 < MaterialTable title = "Title" columns = { this.state.columns } data = { newDataTable } options = { { selection: true, rowStyle: (row) => { const rowStyling = { fontSize: "14px", fontFamily: "latoregular" }; if (row.sl % 2) { rowStyling.backgroundColor = "#f2f2f2"; } return rowStyling; }, } } options = { { search: false, sorting: true, } } actions = { [{ icon: () => < Checkbox / >, tooltip: "checkbox", }, { icon: () => < InfoIcon / >, tooltip: "info", onClick: (event, item) => { this.setState({ isOpen: true, selectedItem: item, }); }, }, ] } />;

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