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Merge multiple sheets (dynamically) in a Google Sheets spreadsheet

I have a Google Spreadsheet with 3 sheets containing data from different countries ( Country1 , Country2 , Country3 ) and a 4th sheet ( Summary ) that is supposed to append these together. The columns are the same in all sheets.

I know already that I can combine them like this:

=QUERY({Country1!A2:G;Country2!A2:G;Country3!A2:G}; "SELECT * WHERE Col1 IS NOT NULL")

However, I need a way to combine an arbitrary amount of sheets together, without modifying the formula. So, if Country4 gets added, this should be appended as well. How can I do that?

If it helps, I have a Settings sheet with a column that contains all the names of the countries (and therefore country sheet names). I have a script that dynamically generates new sheets if a country is added in the Settings sheet. If necessary, this script can also update the formula in the Summary sheet.


You can dynamically create the formula for this using an attached Script.


function generateFormula() {
  var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
  var sheets = ss.getSheets();
  var formula = "=QUERY({";
  for (var i = 0; i < sheets.length; i++) {
    var name = sheets[i].getName();
    if (name != "Settings" && name != "Summary") {
      formula = formula + name + "!A2:G;";
  formula = formula.slice(0, -1) + '}, "SELECT * WHERE Col1 IS NOT NULL", 0)'

This is just one possible way of doing this, though I do not believe it is possible to make it arbitrary without a script. Either way, I hope this is helpful to you!


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