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Is it possible to create a docker image from a yocto generated image?

I want to use yocto to build a customized image for an embedded system and I want to create a docker image from this custom image. Usually in docker one would build a image using a parent image eg FROM ubuntu:xenial . However, in this case there is no official image available, so I need to create a new base image. I looked up the docs for creating a base image but it doesn't explain the whole process. I would appreciate if anyone could give me a hint or a link for a tutorial or something.

Thank you!

Yes that is possible. A dockerfile would look like that:

FROM scratch
ADD app-container-image-python3-data-collector-container-x86-64.tar.bz2 /

But I would recommend having a look atmeta-virtualization and oci-images, which you can generate directly and eg upload to docker.io.

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