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Suggested Actions not visible in Microsoft Teams

I'll send a pro-active message from a bot to Microsoft Teams with 2 suggested actions that the user can take. But in Microsoft Teams the message is shown like this:

Notice that the message shows no suggested messages! At the Bot Framework Emulator, the same message looks like this:

What's wrong in Teams or my code?

Below is my code to authenticate, generate and send the message:

private async Task BotCallback(ITurnContext turnContext, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
    string serviceUrl = turnContext.Activity.RelatesTo.ServiceUrl;

    ConnectorClient Connector = new ConnectorClient(
        new Uri(serviceUrl),
        microsoftAppId: "[MicrosoftAppId]",
        microsoftAppPassword: "[MicrosoftAppPassword]"

    ChannelAccount from = turnContext.Activity.From;
    IMessageActivity activity = MessageFactory.SuggestedActions(
        new string[] { "First action", "Second action" },
        $"Hi {userName},\r\nYou've missed some lorem ipsum dolor sit amet:\r\n- **consectetur:** Ut porttitor\r\nChoose an action from below to add them."

    await Connector.Conversations.SendToConversationAsync(
        activity as Activity, 

Suggested actions are not supported in Teams. If you want to display buttons, you could use Cards in Teams.

Echoing the other response, but perhaps a bit more detail. As explained, the way to do this in Teams (and other clients) is to use " Cards " - kind of like mini windows inside the chat. Teams supports a few different kinds of cards to suit different interactions, but the most prominent are called Adaptive Cards . You can play more with these at the designer here and there's even a "designer" experience built into App Studio (where you can even have App Studio's bot "send" you the card to see what it looks like in a "real" conversation.

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