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Unable to send an email using PHPmailer in Drupal 7

My website https://www.smcin.com/ created in drupal 7 and hosted in google cloud console. I am using PHPmailer smtp module to send email through website using port 25. But not mail has been triggered and give error

"test e-mail has NOT been sent to xxxxxxxx@yahoo.com. You should check the logs for error messages."

On logs only this message has been shown:

MESSAGE:    Error sending e-mail (from xxxxxxxx@xxxxxxx.xxx to xxxxxxxx@yahoo.com).
SEVERITY:   error.

I also tried other ports (80, 465, 2525 ) and server (gmail, my official webmail) but nothing work. I wasted lots of time but no solution found.

Your question is unclear as to which Google Cloud Platform service you are using.

Assuming that you're using Compute Engine, please see Sending email from an instance .

NB "Port 25 is always blocked and can't be used"

You should be able to configure it to use eg 465.

You may continue to have challenges in showing a good reputation for your instances' IP addresses.

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