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ErrorException: Undefined variable: request in file

Error ErrorException: Undefined variable: request in file always appears, even though I have defined it as below

public function postlog_show(Request $request)
        $log = $request->log;
        $userlocation = Auth::user()->location;
        $postlocations = Postlocation::orderBy('id', 'DESC')->where('location', $userlocation)
                ->whereHas('postlognya', function (Builder $query) {
                    $query->where('log', 'like', '%' . $request->log . '%');

        return view('front.postlog2')
            ->with('postlocations', $postlocations)

you will have to use $request variable in whereHas function, like I've shown

public function postlog_show(Request $request)
    $log = $request->log;
    $userlocation = Auth::user()->location;
    $postlocations = Postlocation::orderBy('id', 'DESC')->where('location', $userlocation)
            ->whereHas('postlognya', function (Builder $query) use($request){
                $query->where('log', 'like', '%' . $request->log . '%');

    return view('front.postlog2')
        ->with('postlocations', $postlocations)

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