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Tracking Google Ads and Facebook Ads in Google Analytics

Am slightly confused over how to use Ads (Facebook / Google) together with Google Analytics. Can someone please help me out?

My overall objective: To pass information from Facebook Ads and Google Ads into Google Analytics.

Google Ads

Background: ValueTrack Parameters can be used to pass information into Google Analytics. For example, if I want to track the Landing Page and Creative ID, I would this: {lpurl}?creative={creative} (Source: https://support.google.com/google-ads/answer/6305529 )

Question 1: Where would the Landing Page and Creative ID show up in Google Analytics? Would they appear as Custom Dimensions or in their respective Secondary Dimensions here: https://i.imgur.com/kUhqkIS.png ?

Question 2: I understand that you can override dimensions in Google Analytics. (Source: https://support.google.com/analytics/answer/1033981?hl=en&ref_topic=1308612 ). Am I restricted to overriding dimensions listed in the GA Campaign URL Builder ( https://ga-dev-tools.appspot.com/campaign-url-builder/ )? In other words - Campaign Source, Campaign Medium, Campaign Name, Campaign Term and Campaign Content?

Question 3: If the answer to Question 2 is no, then where can I find a full list of dimensions I can override? This will also help me avoid creating custom parameters that coincide with what Google Analytics uses by default. I found this list of parameters ( https://ga-dev-tools.appspot.com/dimensions-metrics-explorer/ ). But I am not sure how to interpret this.

Let's use the Secondary Dimension Creative ID as an example. In this link ( https://ga-dev-tools.appspot.com/dimensions-metrics-explorer/#ga:adwordsCreativeID ), I am not told what parameter I should be using if I wish to pass information into it.

Question 4: If I want to pass information into a particular Secondary Dimension field, where can I check what form it has to be in? For example, if I want to pass information into the Secondary Dimension Google Ads Creative ID ( https://i.imgur.com/H6VqKMe.png ), what do I have to add to URL to be able to do this? Based on the information above, it seems like I have to use the parameter creative eg. www.mywebsite.com/creative={creative} . How exactly do I check what parameter to use?

Facebook Ads

Background: Facebook offers a list of dynamic URL parameters that we can use to push additional information into Google Analytics ( https://www.facebook.com/business/help/1016122818401732 ).

Question 5: Where would these parameters like ad_id={{ad.id}} show up in Google Analytics? Would they appear as a Custom Dimension or in the Google Ads Creative ID dimension here: https://i.imgur.com/H6VqKMe.png ?

Question 6: Can I confirm that Facebook Ads only offers very few URL parameters for us to track with (source: https://www.facebook.com/business/help/1016122818401732 )? This is so much lesser than what is offered by Google Ads.


Thank you.

You can link Google Ads at the Property Analytics level and the cost data and ad information will be automatically imported. You will see them in the related report Acquisition -> Google Ads .

Facebook Ads data are not automatically imported (Facebook is not owned by Google, at least not yet:D) so you need to import it independently through the function Data import at Property level in Google Analytics, choosing Cost Data , so you can import cost data for non-Google marketing campaigns ( https://support.google.com/analytics/answer/6015070?hl=en ).

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