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Netsuite Rest Web Services Signature

I am working on an integration with Netsuite Rest Web Services API (not SOAP/RESTlets). I have it fully functioning in postman using the supplied collection but have not figured out the actual string for the signature and the REST documentation doesn't show anything. I have attempted to use the documentation from both of the other services and no go.

So, pulled the log from postman I have tried to replicate what I believe it to be doing in using the account id, consumer key, token, creating a nonce, and unix timestamp.

GET /rest/platform/v1/metadata-catalog/record?select=customer HTTP/1.1 Accept: application/swagger+json Authorization: OAuth realm="TSTDRV2164811", oauth_consumer_key="2bb1d46bb5f3a69fdea1ede39bf46e186bd860a15d8deaf51f7488b1e09bd2a2", oauth_token="02545230f53d0cf8fc5075f8cee01847f28131127fad358501479952bb8ce046", oauth_signature_method="HMAC-SHA1", oauth_timestamp="1579805526", oauth_nonce="V5GBSPyMRPB", oauth_version="1.0", oauth_signature="rp6xmqnCofmVPl9D0nk48G9DVww%3D" User-Agent: PostmanRuntime/7.22.0 Cache-Control: no-cache Postman-Token: cbc0f225-374c-4ecc-8b5b-daf60469137e Host: tstdrv2164811.suitetalk.api.netsuite.com Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate, br Cookie: NS_ROUTING_VERSION=LAGGING Connection: keep-alive


$url = 'https://TSTDRV2164811.suitetalk.api.netsuite.com/rest/platform/v1/metadata-catalog/record?select=customer';
//$url = 'https://rest.netsuite.com/app/site/hosting/restlet.nl?script=6&deploy=1&customParam=someValue&testParam=someOtherValue';
//or https://webservices.netsuite.com/services/NetSuitePort_2015_2 for webservices
$httpMethod = 'GET';
$tokenKey = '02545230f53d0cf8fc5075f8cee01847f28131127fad358501479952bb8ce046';
$tokenSecret = '8c4bb18a6ff15a699825ad833845d0a3dc3abca80aa89abe3c58f77eecd96f9e';
$consumerKey = '2bb1d46bb5f3a69fdea1ede39bf46e186bd860a15d8deaf51f7488b1e09bd2a2';
$consumerSecret = 'a684af8065f75f647ff24f58c3eeb48423907981ea7b93027f53cf63dcfd7626';
$signatureMethod = 'HMAC-SHA1';     //or HMAC-SHA256
$version = '1.0';
$nonce = 'V5GBSPyMRPB';                  //substr(str_shuffle("0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"), 0, 10);
$timestamp = '1579805526';              //  time();
$realm = 'TSTDRV2164811';                   //scompid

$baseString = 'oauth_consumer_key='. $consumerKey;
$baseString .= '&oauth_nonce='. $nonce;
$baseString .= '&oauth_signature_method='. $signatureMethod;
$baseString .= '&oauth_timestamp='. $timestamp;
$baseString .= '&oauth_token='. $tokenKey;
$baseString .= '&oauth_version='. $version;
//$baseString .= '&realm='. $realm;

$base = urlencode($baseString);
$sign = $httpMethod .'&'. urlencode($url) .'&'. $base;
$key = urlencode($consumerSecret) .'&'. urlencode($tokenSecret);

$signature = urlencode(base64_encode(hash_hmac('sha1', $sign, $key, true)));

$output .= sprintf(

echo $output;

I would expect to get the above value but instead I get this


I modified my previous code to what i currently am trying and still no go

The string that you generate a signature for has to be constructed in a very specific way.

Operation in all caps + & + URI encoded Base URL + & + URI encoded block of parameters in alphabetical order excluding realm . It also needs to include some OAuth parameters in addition to any in the web request itself like oauth_signature_method .

Here is an example in a different language of constructing the string to sign.

  // These are in alphabetical order, lower case - required by signing
  STRING2SIGN := '';
  STRING2SIGN := STRING2SIGN + 'oauth_consumer_key=' + CONSUMER_KEY + '&';
  STRING2SIGN := STRING2SIGN + 'oauth_nonce=' + OAUTH_NONCE + '&';
  STRING2SIGN := STRING2SIGN + 'oauth_signature_method=' + 'HMAC-SHA1' + '&';
  STRING2SIGN := STRING2SIGN + 'oauth_timestamp=' + TIME_STAMP + '&';
  STRING2SIGN := STRING2SIGN + 'oauth_token=' + TOKEN_ID + '&';
  STRING2SIGN := STRING2SIGN + 'oauth_version=' + OAUTH_VERSION + '&';
  oauth_signature := URIEncode(TNetEncoding.Base64.EncodeBytesToString(THashSHA1.GetHMACAsBytes(STRING2SIGN, CONSUMER_SECRET + '&' + TOKEN_SECRET)));

Can leave out request parameters not in your request like deploy and script but need to include all the oauth_ ones and any additional ones that are included in your request.

There is something strange about how PostMan stitches variables together to build up the URL. If you paste in the URL, rather than the {{REST_SERVICES}} that is built up from the {{COMPANY_URL}}, you get a different signature for the same exact nonce and timestamp values. So you really can't compare what PostMan is doing vs your own code.

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