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How do I loop an non-reactive array in Vue template without putting it in data property or computed property?

I have a static array data like this

const names = ["Amy", "Joseph", "Hank"];

I want to loop them in my markup, in React, I can simply do this:

import React, { memo } from "react";

// these guys are static values!
const names = ["Amy", "Joseph", "Hank"];

const App = () => (
    {names.map(name => ( // render once and no more!
      <span key={name}>{name}</span>

export default memo(App); // won't re-render anymore!

But in Vue, the only way I can think of is doing this:

    <span v-for="name in names" :key="name">{{ name }}</span>

const names = ["Amy", "Joseph", "Hank"];

export default {
  data() {
    return {
      names // I have to put these guys in data property, now it becomes reactive, I don't want this. Although this will only render once.

I have to put my names in data() or computed properties, but this will cause them to be reactive, is there any other way to do this?

You can create a custom option like so

export default {
  data() {
    return {
      //your reactive thins here
  names : ["Amy", "Joseph", "Hank"],

And finally in your template you can iterate over it like

    <span v-for="name in $option.names">{{ name }}</span>

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