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Checkspelling on Field Range - Word VBA

I have a protected document which I am able to run the following line, but unable to actually run "spellcheck" on the text and think it's due to my range declaration, can somebody point out whats wrong?

Eg: This returns TRUE/FALSE correctly If CheckSpelling(theFields.Result.Text) = False Then but I can't then run theFields.CheckSpelling

What I have tried:

Sub SpellCheckDoc()

Dim lockedFields As Long
Dim unlockedFields As New Collection
For Each theFields In ActiveDocument.Fields
    If theFields.Locked = False Then
        unlockedFields.Add theFields
    End If
Next theFields

Dim objWord As Object
Set objWord = GetObject(, "Word.Application")

For Each theFields In unlockedFields
    If CheckSpelling(theFields.Result.Text) = False Then
End If
Next theFields

End Sub

You don't need the

Dim objWord as Object
Set objWord = GetObject(, "Word.Application")

since you're writing this in Word.

You want to set Options.SuggestSpellingCorrections = True and then hit each range with a theFields.Result.CheckSpelling .

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