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Best way to control checkboxes during update | ReactJS

Suppose I have a form to post. It has checkboxes. (Bool type, receives 0 and 1 ). Creates the logic as follows.

 "is_has_n": values.is_has_n === true ? 1 : 0,

It returns a value of 1 and 0 if true (1) and false (0). It works without error while I was creating this post. If I want to edit this post I've some problems. So this checkbox was true before, and now it should now be false to me. So I can uncheck the checkbox when I am editing the post. I have the following form:

data.is_has_n === 1 ?
        isInvalid={touched.is_has_n&& !!errors.is_has_n}
) :
        isInvalid={touched.is_has_n&& !!errors.is_has_n}

That is to me now if I want to set true checkbox to false. So I want to keep it unchecked during update psot. I mean. What can I do to check that how I control is checked or unchecked before submiting data? there should also be taken into checkboxes that there are several erroneous presses. I also thought of doing a method called isChecked, but I don't think it would be a solution. Because checkboxes may be pressed multiple times before save.

EDITED | FIXED I found solution for this: I did like that:

const [IsDangerous, setIsDangerous] = useState(data.dangerous_status === 1 ? true : false);

And my Handle change function

if (name === "dangerous_status") {
        setFieldValue(name, isChecked);
        if (isChecked) {
            console.log("dangerous_status", true);
        } else {
            console.log("dangerous_status", false);

The question seems to be unclear, but I think you should use controlled components, thereby controlling input field values with the state. Refer https://reactjs.org/docs/forms.html .

<input type="checkbox" value={this.state.inputValue} onChange={this.handleChange} />

"value" binds the input to the state field inputValue which is changed by the handleChange. Control the value of inputValue to control wha to show in the input field.

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