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How to pass a method of xamarin.android specific functionnality to a xamarin.forms using DependencyService and a delegate of Interface?

I am using the following resource https://msicc.net/how-to-avoid-a-distorted-android-camera-preview-with-zxing-net-mobile/ to solve resoultion destortion of zxing barcode scanner. I arrived at the point where the method SelectLowestResolutionMatchingDisplayAspectRatio is implemented in the android project but I need to pass it to CameraResolutionSelectorDelegate as the author stated. To do that I created an Interface called IZXingHelper which should hold the delegate that I still have no idea how it should be written. Let me share my code snippet and explain where I am facing the issue.

public class ZxingHelperAndroid : IZXingHelper

     //What code goes here?

        public CameraResolution SelectLowestResolutionMatchingDisplayAspectRatio(List<CameraResolution> availableResolutions)
            CameraResolution result = null;
            //a tolerance of 0.1 should not be visible to the user
            double aspectTolerance = 0.1;
            var displayOrientationHeight = DeviceDisplay.MainDisplayInfo.Orientation == DisplayOrientation.Portrait ? DeviceDisplay.MainDisplayInfo.Height : DeviceDisplay.MainDisplayInfo.Width;
            var displayOrientationWidth = DeviceDisplay.MainDisplayInfo.Orientation == DisplayOrientation.Portrait ? DeviceDisplay.MainDisplayInfo.Width : DeviceDisplay.MainDisplayInfo.Height;
            //calculatiing our targetRatio
            var targetRatio = displayOrientationHeight / displayOrientationWidth;
            var targetHeight = displayOrientationHeight;
            var minDiff = double.MaxValue;
            //camera API lists all available resolutions from highest to lowest, perfect for us
            //making use of this sorting, following code runs some comparisons to select the lowest resolution that matches the screen aspect ratio and lies within tolerance
            //selecting the lowest makes Qr detection actual faster most of the time
            foreach (var r in availableResolutions.Where(r => Math.Abs(((double)r.Width / r.Height) - targetRatio) < aspectTolerance))
                //slowly going down the list to the lowest matching solution with the correct aspect ratio
                if (Math.Abs(r.Height - targetHeight) < minDiff)
                    minDiff = Math.Abs(r.Height - targetHeight);
                result = r;
            return result;

and here exactly where I couldn't determine what to write to get it right:

zxing.Options = new ZXing.Mobile.MobileBarcodeScanningOptions
                CameraResolutionSelector = DependencyService.Get<IZXingHelper>().CameraResolutionSelectorDelegateImplementation
public interface IZXingHelper
 //What code goes here?

I don't know how to implement the CameraResolutionSelectorDelegateImplementation in the interface and how to link it to SelectLowestResolutionMatchingDisplayAspectRatio method of ZxingHelperAndroid.

Create an interface IZXingHelper in the Xamarin.forms Demo.

public interface IZXingHelper
    CameraResolution SelectLowestResolutionMatchingDisplayAspectRatio(List<CameraResolution> availableResolutions);

Create ZXingHelper.cs in the .Android project to implement it.

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using Xamarin.Essentials;
using ZXing.Mobile;

// Because the assembly dependency decoration is outside of the namespace,
// the namespace "using" must be added or be explicitly prefixed to the
// typeof parameter.

using ScorellViewDemo.Droid;

[assembly: Xamarin.Forms.Dependency(typeof(ZXingHelper))]
namespace ScorellViewDemo.Droid
  public class ZXingHelper : IZXingHelper
    public CameraResolution SelectLowestResolutionMatchingDisplayAspectRatio(List<CameraResolution> availableResolutions)
      CameraResolution result = null;

      //a tolerance of 0.1 should not be visible to the user
      double aspectTolerance = 0.1;
      var displayOrientationHeight = DeviceDisplay.MainDisplayInfo.Orientation == DisplayOrientation.Portrait ? DeviceDisplay.MainDisplayInfo.Height : DeviceDisplay.MainDisplayInfo.Width;
      var displayOrientationWidth = DeviceDisplay.MainDisplayInfo.Orientation == DisplayOrientation.Portrait ? DeviceDisplay.MainDisplayInfo.Width : DeviceDisplay.MainDisplayInfo.Height;

      //calculating our targetRatio
      var targetRatio = displayOrientationHeight / displayOrientationWidth;
      var targetHeight = displayOrientationHeight;
      var minDiff = double.MaxValue;

      //camera API lists all available resolutions from highest to lowest, perfect for us
      //making use of this sorting, following code runs some comparisons to select the lowest resolution that matches the screen aspect ratio and lies within tolerance
      //selecting the lowest makes Qr detection actual faster most of the time
      foreach (var r in availableResolutions.Where(r => Math.Abs(((double)r.Width / r.Height) - targetRatio) < aspectTolerance))
        //slowly going down the list to the lowest matching solution with the correct aspect ratio
        if (Math.Abs(r.Height - targetHeight) < minDiff)
            minDiff = Math.Abs(r.Height - targetHeight);
        result = r;

      return result;

Usage in MainPage.xaml.cs

 var options = new ZXing.Mobile.MobileBarcodeScanningOptions()
   PossibleFormats = new List<ZXing.BarcodeFormat>() { ZXing.BarcodeFormat.QR_CODE },
   CameraResolutionSelector = DependencyService.Get<IZXingHelper>().SelectLowestResolutionMatchingDisplayAspectRatio

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