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Escaping shell character in groovy jenkins pipeline

I have some issue to escape quote character in my jenkins pipeline. for example :

I want to append a text in to file through the pipeline using this command below:

openshift.rsh("${podname}", """sh -c 'echo "define( 'WP_HOME', 'http://rabah-test.com' );" >> wp-config.php'""")

and expecting this in to the wp-config.php file:

define( 'WP_HOME', 'http://rabah-test.com' );

but unfortunately i don't have the quotes in my result :

define( WP_HOME, http://rabah-test.com );  

I believe it is not an issue with jenkins. Try to run your command in the terminal first. You have a simple quotes for your sh command and simple quotes inside the define.

I would try something like

sh -c 'echo "define( \'WP_HOME\', \'http://rabah-test.com\' );" >> wp-config.php'

Note, instead of adding the define to the wp-config.php file, I would be tempted to version a default WP_HOME and replace it by a sed

I found how to deal with it. Instead of using simple quotes, I decided to use double quotes and escape with two backslashes.

Like this:

sh -c 'echo "define( \\" WP_HOME \\" , \\" http://rabah-test.com \\" );" >> wp-config.php'

And it now works perfectly.

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