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Scala Adapter pattern - autommagically allow "duck typing" for classes with same methods

Let's say class A is being used in some code, and that I want to use instead class B , which has exactly the same methods as class A - without having B extend A . What would be the easiest way to go about this? In other words, I'm looking for simple ready-to-use and generic implementation of adaptBtoA (it should work for any two classes that have the same structure/methods).

class A {
  def foo(x: String) = "A_" + x

class B {
  def foo(x: String) = "B_" + x

def bar(a: A) = {
  // ...

bar(adaptBtoA(new B()))

If you're familiar with duck typing interfaces of Go, that's sort of the semantics I'm aiming for.


I think a generalized solution might be impossible due to type erasure, although I'm not sure. Here's my attempt using the mockito library:

def adapt[F, T](impl: F): T = mock[T](new Answer[Any]() {
  override def answer(inv: InvocationOnMock): Any =
      .getDeclaredMethod(inv.getMethod.getName, inv.getMethod.getParameterTypes:_*)
      .invoke(impl, inv.getArguments:_*)

val a: A = adapt[B, A](new B()) 
val res = a.foo("test") // should be "B_test" but errors in compilation

unfortunately this does not work as I get the following compiler error:

type arguments [T] conform to the bounds of none of the overloaded alternatives of
value mock: [T <: AnyRef](name: String)(implicit classTag: scala.reflect.ClassTag[T])T <and> [T <: AnyRef](mockSettings: org.mockito.MockSettings)(implicit classTag: scala.reflect.ClassTag[T])T <and> [T <: AnyRef](defaultAnswer: org.mockito.stubbing.Answer[_])(implicit classTag: scala.reflect.ClassTag[T])T <and> [T <: AnyRef](implicit classTag: scala.reflect.ClassTag[T])T

I can, however, use hardcoded types for specific use-cases:

def adaptBtoA(b: B): A = mock[A](new Answer[Any]() {
  override def answer(inv: InvocationOnMock): Any =
      .getDeclaredMethod(inv.getMethod.getName, inv.getMethod.getParameterTypes:_*)
      .invoke(b, inv.getArguments:_*)

val a: A = adaptBtoA(new B()) 
val res = a.foo("test")  // res == "B_test"

If getting class type information from template parameter at runtime is impossible, perhaps I can use macros to generate all of the adapt functions I need at compile time? Then the code will look something like:

genAdapt[B, A]()
genAdapt[D, C]()
// etc...

But I don't know enough about scala macros yet to implement this, or if this is possible.

You just missed a few things in your attempt at the adapt method. The compiler says: it needs T to extends AnyRef , and a ClassTag[T] . You'd also need a ClassTag[F] since you'd invoke the method on F , not T .

def adapt[F: ClassTag, T <: AnyRef : ClassTag](impl: F): T = {
  mock[T](new Answer[Any]() {
    override def answer(inv: InvocationOnMock): Any =
        .getDeclaredMethod(inv.getMethod.getName, inv.getMethod.getParameterTypes: _*)
        .invoke(impl, inv.getArguments: _*)

adapt[B, A](new B()).foo("test") // "B_test"
adapt[A, B](new A()).foo("test") // "A_test"

Here is the proposed typeclass solution.

trait Foo[T] {
  def foo(t: T)(x: String): String

object Foo {
  object syntax {
    implicit class FooOps[T](private val t: T) extends AnyVal {
      final def foo(x: String)(implicit ev: Foo[T]): String =

final class A {
  def foo(x: String) = s"A_${x}"

object A {
  implicit final val AFoo: Foo[A] =
    new Foo[A] {
      override def foo(a: A)(x: String): String =

final class B {
  def foo(x: String) = s"B_${x}"

object B {
  implicit final val BFoo: Foo[B] =
    new Foo[B] {
      override def foo(b: B)(x: String): String =

def bar[T : Foo](t: T): String = {
  import Foo.syntax._

Which you can use like this:

bar(new A()) 
// res: String = "A_test"

bar(new B()) 
// res: String = "B_test"

Now, this solution requires quite a bit of refactoring, but it has the advantage that it works, it is extensible and it is more flexible and more typesafe than the proposed adapt solution.

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