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how to I store element text from cypress chain into a variable in typescript?

I would like to have some testcase to compare tolPage text value is the same as curPage text value like following. but it does not work, how should i pass element text from cypress chain to local variable

class Menu{
  tolPage() {
    return cy
      .then((text) => {
        return text.toString();
  curPage() {
    return cy
      .then((text) => {
        return text.toString();
describe('check two function should be eq') {
  const menu = new Menu();
    it('Verified "', () => {
      let text = menu.curPage();
      # menu.tolPage().should('be.eq', text));
      # menu.tolPage().should('be.eq', menu.curPage());

You should read the part of the documentation that handles the async behaviour of cypress: https://docs.cypress.io/guides/core-concepts/introduction-to-cypress.html#Commands-Are-Asynchronous

So you can not assign menu.curPage() to a variable and expect that this variable contains the text.

So this will fail. testVar is still null when the expect line is reached:

it("test", () =>{
    let testVar = null;
    cy.get("body").then(() => {
        testVar = 5;


Instead you can write it this way (depends on what and how you want to test):

it("test", () =>{
    let testVar = null;
    cy.get("body").then(() => {
        testVar = 5;

    cy.get("body").should(() => {

so based on your code, your solution might look similar to this:

  describe('check two function should be eq') {
    const menu = new Menu();
      it('Verified "', () => {
        menu.curPage().then(cPText => {
            menu.tolPage().then(tPText => {

This nesting of commands can be annoying if you must check more than two text values. To make your life easier, you can do this:

describe("test", () => {
    beforeEach(() => {

    it("test", () => {
        // attention: function() syntax is required to keep `this` context
        cy.get("body").should(function() {
            expect(this.caption.indexOf("testing") > -1).to.eq(this.subcaption.indexOf("testing") > -1)

function getCaption() {
    return cy.get(".Hero-TagLine.mt-0").invoke("text").as("caption");

function getSubCaption() {
    return cy.get(".Hero-ByLine.mb-0").invoke("text").as("subcaption");    

I have added an own example so I was able to provide you a runnable and working example. But you can adjust it to fit your code easily. What happens:

  • cy.get().invoke("text").as("alias") does the same as in your code, except that it stores the textcontent in an alias. Cypress also creates a new instance variable for every alias, so you are able to access it through this.caption .
    • Using this approach you can easily store 10 and more text elements and then access them in a flat hierarchy
    • But be aware of the function () syntax. You can not use the phat arrow syntax because then your this context is wrong
    • also you can take advantage of the repeat functionality of the should command. It will retry your callback until no assert fails or until the timeout is reached
    • this works in Typescript, too. But of course, Typescript does not know the properties this.caption and this.subcaption . So you will have to cast this to any before or adjust the type definitions

Btw: I saw that you make this: cy.get().invoke("text").then(t => t.toString()) in order to fix the types in TS. You can avoid this by using a own type definition:

declare global {
    namespace Cypress {
        interface Chainable {
            invoke(fn: "text"): Cypress.Chainable<string>;

This can be removed after https://github.com/cypress-io/cypress/issues/4022 is merged.

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