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JS promise or async await return as an object promise

I know this has been asked a gazillion times. I've asked it myself. Specifically to the code below I don't know why this doesn't resolve.

const householdPics = (data, props) => {
  let refImg;

  async function refDetails() {
    let urlResult;
    const ref = await props.firebase.storageRef(`images/${data.profilePic}`);
    return urlResult = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
      .then(url => resolve(url))
      .catch(e => reject(e))

  if (!data.profilePic || data.profilePic == 'NULL') {
    refImg = require("../../assets/img/empty-avatar.png");
  } else {
    refImg = refDetails();

I'm sure I'm over complicating this, I've been at it so long I'm all confused myself. I would expect refImg = refDetails(); to resolve to a url. if I console.log urlResult I get an img url from firebase. However when I use refImg in another block of code:

src appears as Object Promise

I also tried:

  async function refDetails() {
    const ref = await props.firebase.storageRef(`images/${data.profilePic}`);
    const refUrl = await ref.getDownloadURL();
    return refUrl;

Here is another attempt I've tried after reading up more on this. Still failing :(

  let refImg;

  function refDetails() {
    const ref = props.firebase.storageRef(`images/${data.profilePic}`);
    const imgUrl = ref.getDownloadURL()
    return imgUrl.then(url => {return url})

  if (!data.profilePic || data.profilePic == 'NULL') {
    refImg = require("../../assets/img/empty-avatar.png");
  } else {
    const resultImg = refDetails();;
    refImg = resultImg;

How can I pass the return value of ref.getDownloadURL() to refImg?


const householdPics = async (data, props) => {
  let refImg;

  async function refDetails() {
    let urlResult;
    const ref = await props.firebase.storageRef(`images/${data.profilePic}`);
    return await ref.getDownloadURL():

  if (!data.profilePic || data.profilePic == 'NULL') {
    refImg = require("../../assets/img/empty-avatar.png");
  } else {
    refImg = await refDetails();


ref.getDownloadURL() is a Promise and in order to use the result value, which is the url, you MUST get it inside the callback of .then , or you use async await syntax, which make async process seems to be synchronize like my previous answer did.

imgUrl.then(url => {return url}) Promise.then() is also a Promise so you're still returning promise in the function in your second attempt. Therefore refImg = resultImg results in making refImg an "Promise returning a url".

The reason you think the previous answer doesn't work is probably that, you called householdPics() and try to get the value without using .then or await . Since I made householdPics an async function, it will always returns a Promise. So again, you have to get the value with .then or await .


I just tried about returning a Promise in async function . It seems that if you return a Promise instead of resolved value in an async function like:

async function refDetails() {
    let urlResult;
    const ref = await props.firebase.storageRef(`images/${data.profilePic}`);
    return ref.getDownloadURL():

then await the function:

refImg = await refDetails();

it still resolves and returns the value of the Promise. So you can save a that await in the async function if you're returning it (while I don't recommend it since it's quiet confusing).

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