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How to set current directory for ES6 dynamic import function

I have this directory tree:

  -> dir1
      -> dir2
          -> module.mjs


My current working directory is:


Source code of server.mjs

async function main(){
    var module = await import("./dir1/dir2/module.mjs");


Source code of module.mjs

//this works!
import utils from "../../utils.mjs";

//this fails!
import utils from "./utils.mjs";

It seems that the static import in the module.mjs consider the dot '.' as the directory of itself, not the current working directory.

How to set a current directory for dynamic import?
And the actual base question is: How to avoid the long '../../.......' of static imports in a dynamic module.

For example, I wish to have something like this in server.mjs:

var module = await import("./dir1/dir2/module.mjs",{cwd:"project/"});

Or, in dynamic module, able to use:

import utils from './utils.mjs'

instead of:

import utils from '../../long dot dot/utils.mjs'

尝试process.cwd() ,它返回运行 nodejs 的目录。

It seems like there's no way to do static import in a dynamic imported module with the dot . refer to current working directory yet.

So, the work-around is still using the dotdot-slashslash...

I've submitted a new feature request to Node.js team here: https://github.com/nodejs/node/issues/31822

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