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How to ignore PHP_CodeSniffer warnings

I was wondering if there is some way to ignore warning generated by PHP_CodeSniffer which refer to Eloquent mappings.

For example:

 * @param User $user
 * @param string $message
 * @param string $type
 * @return Comment
 * @throws Exception
public function createComment(User $user, $message, $type)
    $comment = new Comment();
    $comment->Message = $message;          //PHPCS warning: Property accessed via magic method         
    $comment->AddedDate = new Carbon();    
    $comment->Type = $type;
    return $comment;

PS: I wouldn't want to exclude this warnings that are not related to Models (keep them for other class tipes), and preferably exclude setters and getters fora each property

If "Comment" is a Model you have created, add class phpDoc comments to hint the IDE about the properties available.

 * Class Comment
 * @property int id
 * @property string Message
class Comment extends Model {

This is good for auto-complete as well

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