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Babel (gulp-babel) Uncaught ReferenceError: require is not defined

I'm using gulp , gulp-babel , which is causing an error.
I don't know how I can use module (ES6) because, when I try to import another file into this, it shows me this message:

Uncaught ReferenceError: require is not defined

I know the problem is after code has transpiled, because, I tried linking to code that's not transpiled, and it works perfectly.

These are my files.

app.js *(Where I want to use import to get another module...)

Note: Using require from CommonJS project, also does not work.

import a from "./comun.js"; //This doesn't work
class Player{

comun.js (Where i want to get a const from)

export const a = 1;

index.html (Html file) (File transpiled)

<script src="./dist/js/app.js" type="module"></script>

And this is my gulpfile.babel.js (It's working perfectly)

const gulp = require ('gulp');
const babel = require('gulp-babel');
function transpileToES5() {
    return  gulp.src('./assets/js/*.js')

gulp.task('default', function () {
    return gulp.watch(['./assets/js/*.js'], transpileToES5)

And finally. This is my .babelrc file (I tried with commonjs, systemjs, amd... Nothing works )

    "presets" : ["@babel/env"],
    "plugins": ["transform-es2015-modules-commonjs"]

This is the Error:

This is the line causing the error:

I had exactly the same problem. You have to use Browserify + Babelify + Gulp. More info here:


    return browserify({
    entries: ['./src/js/index.js'],
    debug: true,
    transform: [
      babelify.configure({ presets: ['@babel/preset-env'] }),
    .pipe(sourcemaps.init({ loadMaps: true }))

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