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Node Jest mocking a function in a function

I am Testing a method like such:

test('Test', async () => {
    const result = await methodBeingTested(someData);

Then the method I am testing looks something like this:

import { insertData } from '../util/api';
export async function methodBeingTested(someData: any) {
    const data = await insertData(dateIdsomeData)

    //Do Some other stuff
    return data

I would like to mock the data insertData method returns just so it doesn't do the axios request or the insert into mongo / sql.

How am I able to do this with Jest? I am mainly just wanting to test the functionality of the other stuff going on in the methodBeingTested .


Do this:

jest.mock('../util/api', () => ({
   insertData: () => Promise.resolve(mockResult) // put here some result 

// your tests

Just make sure that your path is correct.

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