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NextJS - Dynamic Routing with multiple fetch on 1 Page

I'm trying to rebuild my CRA Website with NextJS and I'm a little stuck on this page :

The middle container has 3 parts :

  • List of Letters (no problem)
  • List of index (only 1 fetch to get the list)
  • Description of selected index (this one change every time a user selects a new index in the list)

It works perfectly fine with CRA. So, with NextJS, I did the following : The list of index has, for each index item, a link component to, for example: "https://www.phidbac.fr/Liste-des-index/50" ,

and a file [id].js in pages/Liste-des-index folder :

// fetch List and Description on each new select

const Indexes = ({ listeIndex, cours, id }) => {
  return (
        <PageIndex listeIndex={listeIndex} id={id} cours={cours} />

export default Indexes;

Indexes.getInitialProps = async ({ req }) => {

// Get the correct ID Description from URL
  let id = req.url;
  id = id.split("/")[2];

  const res = await fetch("https://www.phidbac.fr:4000/Indexes");
  const dataList = await res.json();
  const res1 = await fetch(`https://www.phidbac.fr:4000/Indexes/${id}`);
  const dataDescription = await res1.json();

  return {
    listeIndex: dataList,
    cours: dataDescription,
    id: id

It's working, but this page does a complete reloading on each click, so it's slow and clearly not a good solution.

Github Repository

How can I achieve something as smooth as the CRA version ?

Thanks for helping :D


On this screenshot, you can see the delay between click and page loading, and the scroll container returning to the beginning.


I just try to don't refresh the index list on each click and just change the description from the right side.

I've edited the git with your solution if you wanna try.

Thanks again :)

The naming convention you are using for your [id-name].js page, is part of the Dynamic routes feature of Next.js. By slightly modifying your code, using next/link for Dynamic routes , I think I managed to achieve what you requested.


At first, you have to modify ListeIndex.tsx and use Link component from next/link with props href and as (more about it on the link provided above and on the comments below)

// ListeIndex.tsx

import Link from 'next/link'
// const { Link } = routes;


  href="/Liste-des-index/[id-name]" // `href` points to page [id-name].js
  as={`/Liste-des-index/${element.id}-${element.nom // `as` holds the data you need to pass
    .replace(/\u202f/g, "-") 
    .replace(/\//g, "-")}`}> 


Then, you just need to modify your [id-name].tsx , and expect your data under query instead of req

// [id-name].tsx


Indexes.getInitialProps = async ({ query }: any) => {
  const id = query['id-name'].split("-")[0]; // you should find your data under `query` parameter


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