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Fetch range of columns with PhpSpreadsheet

I have an excel file that looks something like this带有列标题的 Excel 文件

What I want to do is read the data from all rows but not all columns. I want to fetch data for all rows from column A to E . Currently, I am able to read the entire row (column A to CL ) with this code

// Read data from excel file
$reader = IOFactory::createReader($inputFileType);
$spreadsheet = $reader->load($inputFileName);
// Convert read data to array
$sheetData = $spreadsheet->getActiveSheet()->toArray(null,true,true,true);
// Put captured array to use
for ($row=1; $row <= count($sheetData) ; $row++) {
 $xData = "'".implode("','",$sheetData[$row])."'";

Could someone guide me achieve this? I tried

// Specify columns to fetch data from
$cols = array('A','B','C','D','E','F','G','H','I','J','K');
// Put captured array to use
for ($row=1; $row <= count($sheetData) ; $row++) {
  foreach ($cols as $col) {
    $xData = "'".implode("','",$sheetData[$col.$row])."'";

but that didn't work.

Use utility helper eg PhpOffice\\PhpSpreadsheet\\Cell\\Coordinate to convert column to/from index/letter.

$ws = $spreadsheet->getActiveSheet();
$firstColumnIndex = \PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Cell\Coordinate::columnIndexFromString('A'); // A->1
$lastColumnIndex = \PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Cell\Coordinate::columnIndexFromString('E'); // E->5
$firstRow = 1;
$lastRow = 4;
$data = [];
for($row = $firstRow; $row <= $lastRow; ++$row){
    for($col = $firstColumnIndex; $col <= $lastColumnIndex; ++$col){
        $data[$row][$col] = $ws->getCellByColumnAndRow($col, $row)->getValue();
print_r($data, true); // data are now collected in 2-dimensional array

There are also other methods such as stringFromColumnIndex , coordinateFromString , indexesFromString , buildRange , rangeBoundaries , rangeDimension , getRangeBoundaries etc. which may come handy, but seems not so well documented.

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