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Sonata Media Bundle - INVALID MODE

I am using Sonata Admin Bundle and Sonata Media Bundle. I use those versions. Symfony Version is 4.4.3

sonata-project/admin-bundle              3.58.0     The missing Symfony Admin Generator
sonata-project/block-bundle              3.18.3     Symfony SonataBlockBundle
sonata-project/cache                     2.0.1      Cache library
sonata-project/core-bundle               3.17.2     Symfony SonataCoreBundle (abandoned)
sonata-project/datagrid-bundle           2.5.0      Symfony SonataDatagridBundle
sonata-project/doctrine-extensions       1.5.1      Doctrine2 behavioral extensions
sonata-project/doctrine-orm-admin-bundle 3.13.0     Symfony Sonata / Integrate Doctrine ORM into the SonataAdminBundle
sonata-project/easy-extends-bundle       2.5.0      Symfony SonataEasyExtendsBundle
sonata-project/exporter                  2.0.1      Lightweight Exporter library
sonata-project/media-bundle              3.23.0     Symfony SonataMediaBundle

Furthermore I use the GalleryAdmin provided by the Media Bundle without any changes. In the Gallery Edit case I get following error:

INVALID MODE : s5e37f8b81382b_galleryHasMedias - type : CollectionType - mapping :

This error message is printed where the upload / edit forms of the Gallery Media Items should be:


There are few other people having the same error but i haven't found a working solution to it. Does someone know how to get rid of this error?

I've found this for you. Maybe this could help, it looks like the error is comming from the ORM. You have to run app/console doctrine:cache:clear-metadata and then re-running doctrine:schema:update --force

source : INVALID MODE : s5a869f19a6c57_equivalents - type : sonata_type_collection - mapping :

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