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Pandas Groupby: How to get distinct Column Values

Trying to get distinct values for columns after grouping; but am getting a total sum groupby is dropping object distinction and losing leading zeros for column

df = pd.read_csv("trial.txt",sep='|',converters={'zip':str},keep_default_na=True,low_memory=False)


Emp State   Zip      Jan feb mar 

Int  NY    11111      1   0   1

int  NY    11111      1   1   0

int  NC    09999      2   2   0

int  ON    NH443     2   2   2


df2 = df.groupby("Zip").count()

df2 for zip my output for zip = 11111 i'll have the output for all 12 months show 2 2 2. Were I would expect 2 1 1 and zip 09999 shows as 9999.

How what is wrong about the grouping to not get distinct column values. Have account for non-null values (there are no nulls). Column value is only (0 , 1 ,2)

Let's start from why Zip column is read as int .

Note the subtle difference:

  • Third column name in the source file is Zip , with capital Z .
  • In your code you put converters={'zip': str} , with column name starting with lower case z .

Change it to converters={'Zip': str} and the column in question will be read as string .

Another, maybe better solution is to pass dtype={'Zip': object} instead. I wrote better because no conversion is actually needed. It is enough just to specify the column type.

I performed also additional check, ie I changed Zip in the last row from NH443 to 88443 .

So even if this column in the source file contains only digits (in all rows), its type will be object , meaning actually string .

And now let's look at what is actual result of your code:

When you run df2 = df.groupby('Zip').count() , the result is:

       Emp  State  Jan  Feb  Mar 
09999    1      1    1    1     1
11111    2      2    2    2     2
88443    1      1    1    1     1

Note the description of count function ( GroupBy variant), which reads: Compute count of group, excluding missing values . As you didn't pass any column list, this count is computed for all columns.

So your code does'n generate distinct values, but instead it counts non-null values along each column in each group.

If you want what you wrote in the title, ie a list of distinct values , for each column (not their counts), run:

df.groupby('Zip').agg(lambda col: np.sort(col.unique()).tolist())

This time the result is:

         Emp State  Jan     Feb    Mar 
09999  [Int]  [NC]  [2]     [2]     [0]
11111  [Int]  [NY]  [1]  [0, 1]  [0, 1]
88443  [Int]  [ON]  [2]     [2]     [2]

Eg group 11111 contains in Feb and Mar columns two distinct values: 0 and 1 .

In all other cases (for your sample data) each column in each group contains a single distinct value, so corresponding lists contain only a single element.

count returns the count of each group, excluding missing values. That means that a value of zero would also be included in the count. To only count positive values, you can apply a lambda function that sums the count of values greater than zero.

>>> df.groupby('Zip')[['Jan', 'feb', 'mar']].apply(lambda x: x.gt(0).sum())
       Jan  feb  mar
09999    1    1    0
11111    2    1    1
NH443    1    1    1

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