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Dataflow - XML Source - Python - How?

I'm trying to source an XML file into my dataflow code. I see java has a built in XMLIo but Python doesn't? I'm also struggling to understand what are the initial steps to ParDo/DoFn it myself. This is an example of the XML file below. My pipeline below when parsing .csv I understand but I'm not understanding how to start with an XML source. Do I need to manually create a PCollection and go from there?

My goal is to return each element as a tuple. The key would be the country name and each element after (in a nested array) would be the values.

<?xml version="1.0"?>
    <country name="Liechtenstein">
        <neighbor name="Austria" direction="E"/>
        <neighbor name="Switzerland" direction="W"/>
    <country name="Singapore">
        <neighbor name="Malaysia" direction="N"/>
    <country name="Panama">
        <neighbor name="Costa Rica" direction="W"/>
        <neighbor name="Colombia" direction="E"/>

def run():
   argv = [

   p = beam.Pipeline(argv=argv)

      | 'ReadFromGCS' >> beam.io.textio.ReadFromText('gs://{0}/example.csv'.format(BUCKET))

The code below will collect each country information.

The output is a list of tuples.

The first element in the tuple is the country name and the second element is a list of the other country properties.

import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET

xml = '''<?xml version="1.0"?>
    <country name="Liechtenstein">
        <neighbor name="Austria" direction="E"/>
        <neighbor name="Switzerland" direction="W"/>
    <country name="Singapore">
        <neighbor name="Malaysia" direction="N"/>
    <country name="Panama">
        <neighbor name="Costa Rica" direction="W"/>
        <neighbor name="Colombia" direction="E"/>

result = []
root = ET.fromstring(xml)
for country in root.findall('.//country'):
    result.append((country.attrib['name'],[x.text if x.text else x.attrib for x in list(country)]))


[('Liechtenstein', ['1', '2008', '141100', {'name': 'Austria', 'direction': 'E'}, {'name': 'Switzerland','direction': 'W'}]), ('Singapore', ['4', '2011', '59900', {'name': 'Malaysia', 'direction': 'N'}]), ('Panama', ['68', '2011', '13600', {'name': 'Costa Rica', 'direction': 'W'}, {'name': 'Colombia', 'direction': 'E'}])]

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