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Struggling with asynchronous code and promises

I am creating a web player by using the spotify SDK. While doing so, everytime I click any play button in the player I want to execute the sdk function: player.getCurrentState() to fetch the new album art, trackname and artistname of the currently playing track. Upon receiving result I want the current element in the HTML structure to change accordingly. However, if pressed at first the song is played normally but the error message is shown, but when pressed a second time the elements are changed accordingly. After that, when I keep switching between different tracks, the changes always lag one click behind. I expect it to be due to asynchronous code but I can't get the hang of this asynchronousness in javascript.

document.getElementById("playbtn").addEventListener("click", function () {
           const play = ({spotify_uri, playerInstance: {_options: {getOAuthToken, id}}}) => {
                getOAuthToken(access_token => {
                    fetch(`https://api.spotify.com/v1/me/player/play?device_id=${id}`, {
                        method: 'PUT',
                        body: JSON.stringify({uris: [spotify_uri]}),
                        headers: {
                            'Content-Type': 'application/json', 'Authorization': `Bearer ${access_token}`
                playerInstance: player,
                spotify_uri: 'spotify:track:14iN3o8ptQ8cFVZTEmyQRV',
}, false);

function update(){
        player.getCurrentState().then(state => {
            if (!state) {
                console.error('User is not playing music through the Web Playback SDK');
            document.getElementById("album").src = state.track_window.current_track.album['images'][2]["url"];
            document.getElementById("trackname").innerHTML = state.track_window.current_track['name'];
            document.getElementById("artistname").innerHTML = state.track_window.current_track['artists'][0]['name'];

I also tried the functions async and await but this gives the same result. Help is appreciated!

Spotify documentation: https://developer.spotify.com/documentation/web-playback-sdk/reference/#api-spotify-player-getcurrentstate

Im also thinking the same kind of asynchronous problems are appearing in a previous question I asked: Doesn't add records into PouchDB when used same function over again

Your problem for one click behind is because the new song was not loaded, nor the player updated. In the demo below i added player.addListener('player_state_changed', update); in the main function so the event will trigger your update method.

 var player = null; function update(changedStateEvent) { console.log(changedStateEvent); player.getCurrentState().then(state => { if (!state) { console.error('User is not playing music through the Web Playback SDK'); return; } document.getElementById("album").src = state.track_window.current_track.album['images'][2]["url"]; document.getElementById("trackname").innerHTML = state.track_window.current_track['name']; document.getElementById("artistname").innerHTML = state.track_window.current_track['artists'][0]['name']; }); } const play = ({ spotify_uri, playerInstance: { _options: { getOAuthToken, id } } }) => { getOAuthToken(access_token => { fetch(`https://api.spotify.com/v1/me/player/play?device_id=${id}`, { method: 'PUT', body: JSON.stringify({ uris: [spotify_uri] }), headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json', 'Authorization': `Bearer ${access_token}` }, }); }); }; window.onSpotifyWebPlaybackSDKReady = () => { // You can now initialize Spotify.Player and use the SDK player = new Spotify.Player({ name: 'Carly Rae Jepsen Player', getOAuthToken: callback => { // Run code to get a fresh access token callback('access token here'); }, volume: 0.5 }); // use events // https://developer.spotify.com/documentation/web-playback-sdk/reference/#event-player-state-changed player.addListener('player_state_changed', update); } document.getElementById("playbtn").addEventListener("click", function() { play({ playerInstance: player, spotify_uri: 'spotify:track:14iN3o8ptQ8cFVZTEmyQRV', }); }, false);

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