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I need to create a web page and create a checkbox named important or no

I need to create a web page and create a checkbox named important or not when user will click on important then data should be stored in the database accordingly. The project which I have to extend ( https://gitlab.com/mariusz.jarocki/pwa2019 ) is written using Node JS and MongoDB at the backend side and AngularJS at the frontend side.

Can you evaluate this task? Is this difficult or easy?

In the grand scheme of things, the task you are describing is relatively easy. I can't speak to how difficult the task is for you specifically, though. The fact that you are asking the question might indicate that it is a difficult task for you.

Creating a web page with a form is simple, then you need to have the form submit a POST request that the Node.js server handles. Make sure the web page includes the checkbox status in the request. The server then needs a route for that specific request that adds or modifies a document in the DB.

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