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Multi-row x axis in ggplot graph

In my data, each player has data over 3 days. Within each of those days, a player can produce anywhere from 1 to 35 songs. I would like to create a line graph (for for each player), representing both the number of songs AND days on the X axis, and the cash related to each of those points on the Y axis. This is similar but different from this great question h ere. because the number of songs is not consistent across the days.

here is a sample of my data:

    data.sample <- read_table2('player  song.seq    day cash
1   1   1   65
1   2   1   65
1   3   1   54
1   4   1   56
1   5   1   34
1   6   1   768
1   7   1   611
1   8   1   750
1   9   1   888
1   1   2   1027
1   2   2   1166
1   3   2   1304
1   4   2   1443
1   5   2   1581
1   6   2   1720
1   7   2   1859
1   8   2   1997
1   1   3   2136
1   2   3   2274
1   3   3   2413
1   4   3   2552
1   5   3   2690
2   1   1   2829
2   2   1   2967
2   3   1   3106
2   4   1   3245
2   5   1   3383
2   6   1   3522
2   7   1   3660
2   8   1   3799
2   9   1   3938
2   1   2   4076
2   2   2   4215
2   3   2   4353
2   4   2   4492
2   5   2   4631
2   6   2   4769
2   7   2   4908
2   1   3   5046
2   2   3   5185
2   3   3   5324
2   4   3   5462
2   5   3   5601
2   6   3   5739

This is my desired output. 在此处输入图片说明

I know that I can do something like this, but it isn't achieving my desired result. Any help would be greatly awesome!

data.sample %>% filter(player=="1") %>% ggplot(aes(x = interaction(song.seq, day, lex.order = TRUE), 
                      y = cash, group = 1)) + theme_bw() 

I think this is a bit tricky to do, particularly concerning the x-axis. My initial thoughts were to convert the day and song.seq into a date/time variable using the rescale function from the scales package to rescale the song sequence into the number of seconds in a day and then converting that into a date/time object:


data.sample %>% 
  mutate(seconds = scales::rescale(song.seq, to=c(0,82800)),
         time = as.POSIXct(seconds, format='%H%M%S', origin=as.Date("2000-01-01")),
         hour = chron::hours(time),
         min  = chron::minutes(time),
         sec  = chron::seconds(time),
         daytime = ISOdatetime(2000,1,day,hour,min,sec)) %>%
  ggplot(aes(x = daytime, y = cash, group=player)) + 
  geom_line() +
  xlab("Song") + 
  facet_grid(rows=vars(player), labeller = label_both) + # maybe cols=vars(day) ?
  theme(axis.text.x = element_blank())

See if that works. The x-axis may need appropriate tick labels for the song sequence number.

Edit : Or for each player separately, like in your nice picture:

data.sample %>% 
  mutate(song.seq=factor(song.seq)) %>%
  filter(player==1) %>% 
  ggplot(aes(x = song.seq, y = cash, group=day)) + 
  geom_line() +
  xlab("Song") + 
  facet_grid(cols=vars(day), labeller = label_both, scales="free") +
  ggtitle("Player 1")


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