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script to move all files into one folder

I would like to move all folders under %USERPROFILE%\\Documents into one folder
1- I created the folder

@echo off   
md Personal

2- I am trying to move all the files in Documents to one folder --> personal

@echo off
Move "%USERPROFILE%\Documents" *.* "%USERPROFILE%\Documents\Personal"

but it's not working?
%USERPROFILE%\\Documents I need to send it to 10 users to run the batch file-

your help would be appreciated thank you


As you have this tagged as PowerShell, here is the PowerShell solution.

# Create folder
New-Item -Path "$env:USERPROFILE\Documents\Personal" -ItemType Directory
# Move all files from Documents to Personal
Get-ChildItem -File "$env:USERPROFILE\Documents\" | Move-Item -Destination "$env:USERPROFILE\Documents\Personal"

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