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Styling/ Changing Autocomplete close Icon in Material UI React

I wanted to change the icon in material UI's AutoComplete. I was not able to find any documentation to customize it.

Basically the two icons, marked with 1 and 2. I am new to Material Ui and would like to know if this can be done and how.


Codepen for the same is https://codesandbox.io/s/material-demo-9vhkq


If you check the DOM structure of it, you would find two button which have the class of something kind like

className="MuiButtonBase-root MuiIconButton-root MuiAutocomplete-clearIndicator MuiAutocomplete-clearIndicatorDirty"
className="MuiButtonBase-root MuiIconButton-root MuiAutocomplete-popupIndicator"

Inside of them you can find the specific className


Which you can refer to Material-UI Autocomplete css api document


By setting styles to it, you can change it's styles, and the icons.


const useStyles = makeStyles(theme => ({
  root: {
    backgroundColor: "yellow"
  clearIndicator: {
    backgroundColor: "gray",
    "& span": {
      "& svg": {
        "& path": {
          d: "path('M10 20v-6h4v6h5v-8h3L12 3 2 12h3v8z')" // your svg icon path here
  popupIndicator: {
    backgroundColor: "blue"
      getOptionLabel={option => option.title}
      style={{ width: 300 }}
        clearIndicatorDirty: classes.clearIndicator,
        popupIndicator: classes.popupIndicator


编辑居高临下的 oskar-2t15j

You can change the popup icon with the API using the popupIcon property:

popupIcon={<ImportContacts />}

Shows as:

mui AutoComplete 中的自定义弹出图标示例

Full API found here: https://material-ui.com/api/autocomplete/

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