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How to setup a clustering of a queue servers for beanstalkd?

We've two Queue Servers, both attached to the application. so far Server 1 receives all the queued jobs and processed it. I would like to set up a Cluster so that the load is spread across 2 servers. anyone can suggest how to setup a cluster.


Beanstalkd doesn't offer this feature.

Alternatives are:

  • you setup a soft sharding to route requests to queue A or B
  • you can use alternatives like Redis Queue, Cloud Pub/Sub from Google Cloud Platform

Beanstalkd in a single instance setup can support multiple TCP connections, and generally outperforms Redis. Below are a few benchmarks, however benchmarks are subjective.

Benchmarks References

So a vertical scaling is usually sufficient.

The problem however, is availability, when the single beanstalkd instance goes away.

You can checkout coolbeans, this project is in alpha. It provides a replicated beanstalkd https://github.com/1xyz/coolbeans

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