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Angular 9 ng new myapp gives error The Schematic workflow failed

I have angular 9 installed

Angular CLI: 9.0.1 Node: 13.8.0 OS: win32 x64

Angular: ... Ivy Workspace:

Package Version

@angular-devkit/architect 0.900.1
@angular-devkit/core 9.0.1
@angular-devkit/schematics 9.0.1
@schematics/angular 9.0.1
@schematics/update 0.900.1
rxjs 6.5.3

Everytime i try to create a new project with ng new, I'm getting the message

Installing packages...npm WARN deprecated request@2.88.2: request has been deprecated, see https://github.com/request/request/issues/3142 npm ERR! Unexpected end of JSON input while parsing near '...pm-signature":"-----B' npm ERR! A complete log of this run can be found in: npm ERR! C:\\Users\\Lijo John Daniel\\AppData\\Roaming\\npm-cache_logs\\2020-02-12T09_52_57_342Z-debug.log × Package install failed, see above. The Schematic workflow failed. See above.

I have tried re-installing angular and even node but issue still remains

My OS version is Win 10 v.1909 build 18363.592. Can someone help me with this?

First ,verify your NPM cached memory

npm cache verify

then try :

npm cache clean --force
npm install –g @angular/cli@latest 
ng new <YourProjectName>

If the problem persists, then try the following

npm cache clean --force
npm update
ng new <YourProjectName>
As @0210vidit said in the comment below:

do not use dash(-) or (.) in naming

Try to clean the npm cache using:

npm cache clean --force

then should it works now,

ng new my-app

I had similar issue and installing yarn or clearing cache didn't help. I removed '-' from my app name and it worked

Error :

ng new first-app


ng new firstapp

Hope it helps.

I had this issue since yesterday, tried all of this and it did not work. Then I installed yarn, and configured angular cli to use yarn as the packagemanager by running this command ng config -g cli.packageManager yarn , and it worked.

This issue is reported for angular 9 and multiple geo-locations are facing this problem. refer https://github.com/angular/angular-cli/issues/16944

to proceed you can bring you angular version to 8 with below steps

ng --version

npm uninstall -g @angular/cli

npm cache clean --force

npm install -g @angular/cli@8.0.0

ng --version

First try the following

npm cache clean --force
npm install -g @angular/cli
ng new <project-name>

If the problem persists, then try this ( this eventually solved my workflow issue )

npm cache clean --force
npm update
ng new <project-name>


In my case i've tried everything with npm and no way out.

But with yarn worked with no worries!

I'm a windows user but you can find how to install in other OS in yarn website!

1st - i downloaded yarn from his website yarn

2nd - installed the global package with vs terminal: yarn global add @angular/cli

3rd - still in vs terminal set: ng config -g cli.packageManager yarn

4th - i created my app: ng new myapp

5th - so you know te rest ...

Worked fine to me!

I removed my previous solution as I somehow got hung up on the uninstalled node_modules part and presented a solution that probably wouldn't have been relevant. Here is an alternate solution that might work for you...

Open a new terminal and run node -v and then npm -v to make sure you are running compatible versions: "Node 8.9 or higher, together with NPM 5.5.1 or higher" Uninstall your current Global Angular cli npm uninstall -g @angular/cli Run npm cache verify Re-Install Angular CLI npm install -g @angular/cli@latest Close your terminal window (just because). Open a new terminal window, browse to where you want your new project and try the 'ng new` command again.

This work fine top of all solutions and worked for me on Windows 10... Go to vs code new terminal type the following in order

  1. npm install --global yarn
  2. yarn global add @angular/cli
  3. ng config -g cli.packageManager yarn
  4. ng new projectname

this will fix the issue..

I got it working, first I installed angular 8 then ran npm install -g @angular/cli@latest. It updated to angular 9 and now i'm able to create new projects. Thank you all for your consideration

Angular 9 ng new myapp gives error The Schematic workflow failed......

Firstly, uninstall Angular: npm uninstall -g @angular/cli

After uninstall, you should do clean Angular cache: npm cache clean --force

After this, you should do re-install Angular globally: npm install -g @angular/cli

And check the version: ng --version

Now you can create your app: ng new your-app

Only solution worked for me

  1. Clear NPM cache + uninstall node

  2. Install Node.js

  3. Install Angular CLI

This will cost you some Internet data, but better option than wandering around for nothing! Keep a back up of Node.js. Useful next time.

Here is the simple way, i am sure it will help because this is the error with package installation failed .

Skip node packages for now and use this command to create new app.

ng new YourAppName --skip-install

after that just go into your project directory and run npm install it will install all required packages for you.

I struggled with this type of issue for a while.

Adding the following environment variable to your user account should solve the issue, adding a temporary cache option.

  • name: npm_config_cache
  • value: /tmp/empty-cache

More information concerning npm-config .

  1. npm uninstall -g @angular/cli
  2. npm cache clean --force
  3. npm install -g @angular/cli


ng new my-app

在使用 angular cli 当前版本之前,始终更新到 Nodejs 的最新LTS版本。

as a temporary fix you can manually install "error-ex" module directly from GitHub then install your dependencies as mentioned here facebook/create-react-app#8465 (comment)

$ npm i https://github.com/Qix-/node-error-ex

$ npm i

我遇到了这个问题,然后我导航到文件.angular-config path C:\\Users\\username并更改"packageManager" : "npm"

{ "version": 1, "cli": { "analytics": "_________", "packageManager": "npm" } }

I had the same problem, after a lot of search and two day of trying many ways, I finally solved my problem by installing codelyzer. first run this command in cmd:

npm install -g codelyzer

then run:

ng new yourProject

This must work because I had a similar problem

  1. npm install -g @angulat/cli
  2. npm install mkdirp
  3. npm cache verify
  4. close terminal and open again
  5. ng new your project name

if it doesn't work, turn your firewall off and do them again. I bet it will work.


ng config -g cli.packageManager yarn

Follow this way to solve this issue

  1. Open a new terminal and run node -v and then npm -v to make sure you are running compatible versions: "Node 8.9 or higher, together with NPM 5.5.1 or higher"
  2. Uninstall your current Global Angular cli npm uninstall -g @angular/cli
  3. Run npm cache verify
  4. Re-Install Angular CLI npm install -g @angular/cli@latest
  5. Close your terminal window.
  6. Open a new terminal window, browse to where you want your new project and try the 'ng new` command again.

This issue arises mostly because of the npm cache still keeping this error. All you need to do is to force clean the npm cache and try creating your app again.

npm cache clean --force
ng new myapp

I got the same error. Before you reinstall the Angular CLI you have to check your internet connection and its speed. In my case, the error has occurred because my internet connection was interrupting. I could resolve that issue after I fixed my connection issue.

Ensure cli is in a small case and package looks like @angular/cli during installation. I have followed this in some tutorial to solve this issue.

Please install new node js updated version and angular CLI as well. will surely solve your problem.

  1. npm cache clean --force

  2. ng new my-app --skip-install

  3. cd my-app

  4. npm i

  5. ng serve

I got this error when updating npm to 7.xx

So if you want to use angular12 based on angular-cli-node-js-typescript-compatiblity-matrix version of node and npm should be like this :

node : 12.13.x - 14.15.x npm : 6.xx - 7

I used nvm for mange version of node

I had a similar problem, which I solved like this:

npm install -g npm@latest
npm cache clean --force
ng new project-name

I followed this link and got my issue resolved.

You can also follow this link . This also resolves the issue.

in the short first link says:

npm cache clean --force npm i -g @angular/cli

the second link says:

ng new angular --skip-install cd angular npm i ng serve

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