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AppBar button-Click event is raised before the LostFocus event of the TextBox in UWP

I have a Textbox tha has LostFocus event, one button that has Click event, and one appbarButton with click event. Whenever I click on the non-appbar button, if the focus was in the text box it always calls the Lostfocus event before click event. But. when I do same thing by clicking an appbar button, it never allows Lostfocus to run before its click event. I tried making LostFocus as async method but nothing is working the way I want. Can anyone help me with the solution?

Clicking on the AppBarButton without affecting the focus of other controls is a design.

If you want to do some processing in TextBox.LostFocus , you can do this:

private void AppBarButton_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
    (sender as AppBarButton).Focus(FocusState.Pointer);
    // do other things...

After manually setting the focus to the AppBarButton , the TextBox will lose focus, and your task will continue normally.

Set AllowFocusOnInteraction = true of the AppBar button. This will trigger the LostFocus event first if any field losses focus before the Click of the AppBar button.

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