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ngx dropdown list get selected values

I am trying to use ngx dropdown list like this:

<ngx-dropdown-list [items]="categoryItems" id="categoriesofdata" [multiSelection]="true"
                        [placeHolder]="'Select categories'"></ngx-dropdown-list>

And I am getting all selected values like:

get selectedCategories() {
    const items = this.categoryItems.filter((item: any) => item.selected);
    return items.length ? JSON.stringify(items.map(item => ({
      value: item.value
    }))) : '';


and output looks like:


I want to get only for example Surname instead of value and Surname.


How Can I do this?

Should I use for loop or is better option?

I think you're almost there, in fact you're doing a little too much. Your map function should just return the value you are interested in rather than creating a new structure.

get selectedCategories() {
  const items = this.categoryItems.filter((item: any) => item.selected);
  return items.length ? JSON.stringify(items.map(item => item.value)) : '';


And as a personal preference, I would refactor to something like this:

get selectedCategories() {
  if (!this.categoryItems.length) {
    return '';

  const surnames = this.categoryItems
    .filter(item => item.selected)
    .map(item => item.value);
  return JSON.stringify(surnames);

I prefer to get out of a function early in the case where no further processing is required. And I would return the result of chained filter and map functions into a new surnames variable. The named variable signals the intention of the code, and keeps the array logic together.

This is just my preference though. Your code was almost there functionally.

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