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React axios post request and setState on props change

I have a react app and I am using geolocated to get users location.

Following the instructions for the initialization I have wrapped the component:

export default geolocated({
    positionOptions: {
        enableHighAccuracy: true,
    userDecisionTimeout: 15000,

As soon as the user accepts (allows) the location finding on the browser I want two things to happen.

First I need to set a flag when then location is available to the app, so I have this:

static getDerivedStateFromProps(props, state) {
        if (!state.geolocatedReady && props.coords) {
            return {
                geolocatedReady: true
        return null;

Notice that props.coords comes from geolocated

The second thing is that I want to complete an input box with the address of the location found. In order to do this I have to do a post request to an api to get the address, but the problem is I cannot use the getDerivedStateFromProps() method because the method must return a value, not a promise (made by axios post request).

So how can I make a post request and then set the state when a prop changes in the component?

getDerivedStateFromProps is only for edge cases . The case you have here sounds like a fit for componentDidUpdate .

componentDidUpdate() {
  if(!this.state.geolocatedReady && this.props.coords) {
      geolocatedReady: true,
getAddress = async (coords) => {
  const address = await mapApi.getAddress(coords);
  // or whatever you want with it.

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