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Is there a way to remove italic style from <i> tag without effecting document.execCommand("italic")

I'd like to make text in <i> tag not appear italic in a contenteditable div.

However, as you can see in the code snippet below, if I add font-style:normal to italic style, document.execCommand('italic') to unitalicize no longer works, as the browser correctly detects that the text is not italic.

Would there be any way to have both unitalic-looking <i> and a way to unitalicize?

 function italicize(){ document.execCommand("italic"); }
 i{ font-style:normal; color:red; }
 <div contenteditable=true>a<i>b</i>c</div> <button onclick=italicize()>italic</button>

 function italicize() { let myDiv = document.querySelector("#myDiv"); myDiv.style.fontStyle.localeCompare("italic") ? myDiv.style.fontStyle = "italic" : myDiv.style.fontStyle = "normal"; }
 i { font-style: normal; color: red; }
 <!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <title>Document</title> </head> <body> <div id="myDiv" contenteditable=true>a<i>b</i>c</div> <button onclick="italicize()">italic</button> </body> </html>

Is this what you are looking for? #newToStackOverflow

One way to do this can be by creating a specific style rule that removes the default italic style from all <i> elements inside a <div> .

Then, with querySelectorAll you can target all the <i> that live inside a <div contenteditable="true"> attribute and make the text italicized by toggling a class:

 function italicize() { let contentDivs = document.querySelectorAll('[contenteditable="true"] > i') for (let div of contentDivs) { div.classList.toggle('add-italic'); } }
 div > i { font-style: normal; color: red; } .add-italic { font-style: italic; }
 <div contenteditable="true">a<i>b</i>c</div> <button onclick="italicize()">italic</button>

More Solutions for this problem.

Change Node with innerText

 function unitalicize(){ var element = document.getElementsByTagName("i")[0]; var span = document.createElement("span"); while(element.firstChild){ span.appendChild(element.firstChild); } element.parentElement.replaceChild(span,element) } function italicize(){ var element = document.getElementsByTagName("span")[0]; var i = document.createElement("i"); while(element.firstChild){ i.appendChild(element.firstChild); } element.parentElement.replaceChild(i,element) }
 i{ color:red; }
 <div contenteditable=true>a<i>b</i>c</div> <button onclick=unitalicize()>unitalicize()</button> <button onclick=italicize()>italicize()</button>

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