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How to prevent conflicting events (I think) in React?

I'm using react-beautiful-dnd :

    {(provided, snapshot) => (
       <Draggable><Item with Slider></Draggable>
       <Draggable><Item with Slider></Draggable>
       <Draggable><Item with Slider></Draggable>
       <Draggable><Item with Slider></Draggable>

My understanding is that Draggable will have some variety of event listeners to allow it to detect when it is clicked/clicked and dragged/etc.

The Slider component that I'm using will also have similar events (since I assume it provides similar event listeners to Draggable ).

How can I either:

  1. Get react-beautiful-dnd to ignore events emitted from certain targets


  1. Stop event propagation so that react-beautiful-dnd doesn't receive an event?

The screenshot below shows two sliders - (1) a React component ( material-ui ) and (2) an <input type="range" /> component. The normal range works fine (doesn't trigger drag and drop) while the Slider does not.

See this: code sandbox

The key to accomplish this is to only add the spread {...provided.dragHandleProps} to the inner div and make sure that {...provided.dragHandleProps} is NOT on container parent which is usually the div which is the direct child of the <Draggable>

<Droppable droppableId="featureWidgets">
    {(provided: any) => (
        <div {...provided.droppableProps} ref={provided.innerRef}>
            {featureWidgets.map(({id, type}, index) => {
                return (<Draggable key={id} draggableId={id} index={index}>
                            {(provided) => (
                                    ref={provided.innerRef} {...provided.draggableProps} ///* NO NO not here  {...provided.dragHandleProps} */
                                    <div {...provided.dragHandleProps}>drag grip handle</div>

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