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N/A error while using the correct VLookup formula to get value from other sheet

In excel, I was trying to get fund value of a particular mutual fund by using VLookup to search another sheet. In the process, I am getting N/A error even if the VLookup formula seems correct. 我试图从中获取“资产净值”的工作表,将“方案代码”作为输入搜索字符串

The below screenshot is of the sheet with the VLookup excel formula:

使用了 vlookup 公式的工作表

Is there any issues with the vlookup formula that I am using here. =VLOOKUP(D4,Sheet1!$A$5072:$E$5075,5,FALSE) I have tried many version of the vlookup but to no avail. Could anyone please help? Thanks!

Cleaning the data is the best option, so that both values are either all text, or all numbers.

But a quick and dirty work aroubd would be to use to convert the text to numbers




Agree with Chris Neilsen that this is most likely a case of different formatting between the lookup item vs lookup array. The left alignment implies that both are formatted as text. Given this, just double check that both indeed are formatted as text vs. someone left-aligning a column of numbers.

Let us know if that doesn't solve the problem and we can walk you through replacing this formula with an Index+Match formula.

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