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jQuery selector is selecting all input types of submit

I was working with the jquery-3.4.1 when I came across this strange behavior of the jquery selector. The html section of the particular submit button is as follows:

<input type="submit" id="submit">

Initially, I used the following code to select the only submit button on my page. But, it didn't work.

$('submit').on('click', function(e){

Then, I tried to be more specific and used the following code to select that submit button on the basis of an id.

$('#submit').on('click', function(e){

Once again, the results were the same. Then I selected all the submit buttons on the page and the code started working. The code is as follows:

$(':submit').on('click', function(e){

Now, my question is that why this piece of code worked and the others were not working ? Is there anything wrong with the code ? Or was this because I used the same id as the input type ?

$('submit').on('click', function(e){

in this one you should use # from id or . for class but it's best to use class for you select like this

$('.submit-form').on('click', function(e){

<input type="submit" class="submit-form" id="submit">

and in your code just on tag should have id with name submit because id name is unique

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