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How to integrate Firebase Auth with PHP app?

I have a simple PHP API which is used to authenticate users that use my app. I have been trying to use Firebase Auth, without any success. Following the documentation found here , I came to a point where:

  • I have created the Firebase project in the Firebase console.

  • I have created a Service Account, for which I have downloaded the Secret .json file that contains the credentials needed.

  • I have placed the file in the root directory of my app.

And I use this code to interact with the database:

    $serviceAccount = ServiceAccount::fromJsonFile(__DIR__.'/path/to/file.json');

    $firebase = (new Factory)

When dumping the $firebase instance I get this:

^ Kreait\Firebase\Auth {#78 ▼
  -client: Kreait\Firebase\Auth\ApiClient {#55 ▶}
  -tokenGenerator: Firebase\Auth\Token\Generator {#58 ▶}
  -idTokenVerifier: Kreait\Firebase\Auth\IdTokenVerifier {#77 ▶}

Which makes me believe the connection is successful, but when I try to list all the users


I get the following

^ Generator {#42 ▼
   this: Kreait\Firebase\Auth {#78 …}
   executing: {▼
php\src\Firebase\Auth.php:110 {▼
       Kreait\Firebase\Auth->listUsers(int $maxResults = 1000, int $batchSize = 1000): Generator …
       › {
       ›     $pageToken = null;
       ›     $count = 0;
   closed: false

And when I try to loop through all the users like this:

   foreach ($users as $user) {

I get these error:

cURL error 60: SSL certificate prblm: unable to get local issuer certificate
cURL error 77: SSL certificate prblm: unable to get local issuer certificate

TEMPORARY FIX (not suggested for production):

  • Go to Guzzle Client.php class
  • Set verify to false

If you continue to follow the documentation, you will find


Auth::listUsers() returns a Generator, which you can either loop through with foreach() or convert to an array with iterator_to_array() - you should use the latter only if you limit the resultset, otherwise you will run into performance issues when PHP tries to load thousands of user records into memory.

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