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Multi provider relational user table in laravel

I am new in laravel and trying to create an auth system where user can login/register using multiple providers and whenever user logins using any of providers the user avatar and profile data must be shown accordingly. When using Auth::user()->providers the result is array of all registered providers for that user.

What I want is to fetch only provider data for current login method (ie local account, facebook account provider, google account provider etc) so I can show data from that exact provider for user.


    public function providers()
        return $this->hasMany("App\UserProvider");


class UserProvider Extends Model
    protected $table = 'user_providers';
     * The attributes that are mass assignable.
     * @var array
    protected $fillable = [
        'user_id', 'provider', 'provider_id','avatar_url', 'token', 'token_secret',


Please let me know if I am on the right way or is there any other way to do this. Thanks!

You can use your relation to build a query

$provider = Auth::user()->providers()->where('provider', 'facebook')->first();

This will return single UserProvider class object

You could also include a boolean column in your user_providers table to know which of the providers is the last used (so this will be the current login method). Let's call this column is_current .

So, when a user access the system, you update the login method setting this field to true . You can do this by overriding the authenticated() method of the app\\Http\\Controllers\\LoginController controller:

# app\Http\Controllers\LoginController.php

protected function authenticated(Request $request, $user)
          ->where('provider', $request->provider) // Change this to make it work
          ->update('is_current', true);

This way, you can access your current login method wherever you want, doing this:


Of course, you could make an accessor in your model to shorten this:

# User.php

public function getCurrentProviderAttribute()
    return $this->providers()->where('is_current', true)->first();

So now, you can do simply:


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