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how to add existing core to the solr search in local

How to add core in the local machine which is configured on the server? I moved my core under "solr" directory but is not visible in solr panel (localhost:8983).

When I try to create a new one with the same name I got an error that core already exists. After that my core name is displayed in solr panel but can't able to import data using "/dataimport". it shows below response but not fetching any record.

"responseHeader": {
                  "status": 0,
                  "QTime": 3
"initArgs": ["defaults",["config","db-data-config.xml"]],
"command": "status",  
"status": "busy",
"importResponse": "A command is still running...",
"statusMessages": {
"Time Elapsed": "0:0:0.5",
"Total Requests made to DataSource": "0",
"Total Rows Fetched": "0",
"Total Documents Processed": "0",
"Total Documents Skipped": "0",
"Full Dump Started": "2020-02-19 06:13:20" 

But No record displayed in the "Execute query". Is there any doc to add an existing core to another solr search?

do you have it in your solr.xml? only the cores listed in solr.xml will be visible in the cores list.

or you can do a add core through the GUI

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