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How to find an element which attribute has exact value and attribute name starts with given pattern with xpath

I would like to find an element which attribute has exact value and attribute name starts with given pattern.


<div class=col-xs-12>
    <select name=registrationProcedureCode tabIndex=-1 class="form-control selectized" id=registrationProcedureNew style="DISPLAY: none" data-bind="options: [''], value: registrationProcedureCode, optionsCaption: i2chCaption" jQuery1124022385363269720443="36" __ko__1582114720513="ko21">
        <option value="" selected></option>
    <div class="selectize-control form-control single">
        <div class="selectize-input items not-full" jQuery1124022385363269720443="139">
            <input tabIndex=-32768 style="WIDTH: 337px" type=text autocomplete="off" placeholder="bla" jQuery1124022385363269720443="141">
        <div class="selectize-dropdown single form-control" style="WIDTH: 627px; LEFT: 0px; DISPLAY: none; TOP: 34px" jQuery1124022385363269720443="136">
            <div class=selectize-dropdown-content></div>

And there are some other div elements with jQueryblabla attributes. So I need to find this div element with attribute value 139 and attribute name starting with jQuery .

I tried this line:

//div[@*[starts-with(name(), 'jQuery')]='139']

But it is wrong. Please let me know how to fix it.

The correct way to write my xpath expression is

//div[@*[starts-with(name(), 'jquery')]='139']

Cheers to @JackFleeting!

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