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AWS EC2 SSH Tunnel Bastion Server

Trying to understand how this works, documentation isn't very clear. Using AWS quickstart-mongo, I am making a VPN for 3 Mongo nodes, with a bastion server. I can log into my bastion server via SSH and my key. Then I can copy the key to bastion server and SSH into the primary replica node. This node is running mongo and shows via rs.status() that all 3 nodes are running correctly.

Once logged into bastion server, I try to do curl primary-mongo-node-ip:27017 , and it seems to hang.

Local Computer -> Bastion Server -> Replica Node 1 / 2 / 3

I think I understand I need to somehow connect to Bastion server, then set up a ssh forwarding to primary-mongo-node-ip:27017, sec1-mongo-node-ip:27017, sec2-mongo-node-ip:27017, so that my mongo URI connection looks like this:

SSH into bastion-dns mongodb://user:pass@localhost:1000,localhost:1001,localhost:1002/database

How do I do this when I cant event connect to the server on bastion servers without SSH?

Assuming that the Mongo instances allow traffic from Bastion Host (in security groups) for required ports, you can use SSH tunnelling mechanism to access the cluster/instance from your local host:

ssh -N -L <local_port_x>:<mongoDB instance ip>:<mongo_port_y> <ssh_username>@<bastion_host_ip> -i <ssh_key_path>

Local_Port_X : Port on your local machine where you want to access remote Mongo instance

MongoDB Instance IP : ip address for ec2 instance hosting MongoDB

Mongo_Port_Y : Port that MongoDB is listening on (seems 27017 from your question - please do verify that you can talk to Mongo Instance from within Bastion host on this port)

Bastion_Host_Ip : IP address on bastion host which should directly be reachable from your local machine

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