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Aurelia: EventAggregator fires twice

The function called by the subscription function triggers twice.

The publisher is not being used in an activate or attached function, but in an async function of a different class. Both classes recieve the same EventAggregator through binding. Console.Trace() has the same routes in both cases. The Publish/Subscribe set is unique and not used by any other classes.

 async sender(item:any):Promise<void> { this.dialogService.open({ viewModel: CaModalConfirm, model: { color: this.color } }).whenClosed(async response => { if (response.wasCancelled === false) { this.moduleName = params.params.moduleId; await this.selectionEventAggregator.publish('requestSelection',{item: item}); this.elementEventAggregator.publish('hideSidebar'); } }); } --------------------------------------------- attached() { this.subscriptions.push( this.selectionEventAggregator.subscribe( 'requestSelection', params => this.sendSelection(params) ) ); } sendSelection(params):void { console.trace(params); this.selectionEventAggregator.publish( 'sendSelected', { selection: this.itemSelection, item: params.item } ); }

The Custom Element which contained the custom Element with the Subscription has been used twice, which caused the issue. This was not an EventAggregator issue.

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