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VBA Excel open multitude websites in the one IE window

I have managed with opening the Internet Explorer using VBA Excel.

My code looks as follows:

 Sub IE()
 Dim ie As object
 Dim location
 'Dim button
 Set ie = CreateObject("InternetExplorer.Application")
 With ie
     .Visible = True
     .Navigate ("https://fulcrum/NewBuild/Record.aspx?ID=" & Range("B1").Value)
     .Navigate ("http://gcommswebmapgb/portal/")
     .Top = 5
     .Left = 5
     .Height = 1300
     .Width = 1900
     While ie.ReadyState <>4
         Do Events
     Set location = .document.getElementById("__VIEWSTATE")
     'Set button = .document.getElementById("btnContainer").Children(0)
     While ie.ReadyState <> 4
  End With
  Set ie = Nothing   

 End Sub

In this event, the 2nd link is opened and 1st one completely omitted. On top of that, I would like to open them in the same window (as a different tab).

I found some solutions here:

Excel VBA control IE

VBA Excel input data into already opened ie window

where it looks that some functions are required. Is anyone able to help?

I suggest you store both URLs in a variables like below.

 Dim url1, url2 As String
 url1 = "https://fulcrum/NewBuild/Record.aspx?ID=" & Range("B1").Value
 url2 = "http://gcommswebmapgb/portal/"

Then try to pass the URL variables to .Navigate without round brackets like below.

 With ie
     .Visible = True
     .Navigate url1
     .Navigate url2, CLng(2048)

It will fix your syntax error and urls will be opened in 2 tabs.

Modified code:

 Sub ie()
 Dim ie As Object
 Dim location
 'Dim button
 Dim url1, url2 As String
 url1 = "https://fulcrum/NewBuild/Record.aspx?ID=" & Range("B1").Value
 url2 = "http://gcommswebmapgb/portal/"
 Set ie = CreateObject("InternetExplorer.Application")
 With ie
     .Visible = True
     .Navigate url1
     .Navigate url2, CLng(2048)
    ' .Top = 5
    ' .Left = 5
    ' .Height = 1300
    ' .Width = 1900
     While ie.ReadyState <> 4
         'Do Events
     'Set location = .document.getElementById("__VIEWSTATE")
     'Set button = .document.getElementById("btnContainer").Children(0)
     While ie.ReadyState <> 4
  End With
  Set ie = Nothing

 End Sub



Further, you need to check that your code properly references the correct tab to execute further code. Note that you cannot automate both pages at the same time. You need to switch the tabs using your VBA code to execute code on specific page.

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