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How can I make certain fetch data appear after pressing a button. Using JavaScript and HTML

I've pulled some data using an API and fetch. But I need some of the data to appear after pressing a button. I can get it to appear, but I'm having trouble making it appear with a button.

So I want the variable 'moreData' to be displayed on button click. I've thought about making another function, but then my fetch data is wonky, and such. Here's my JS.

window.onload = function() {

const oneUser = () => {
.then((response) => {
    return response.json();
.then((response) => {


for (let i = 1; i < 5; i++){

const getPic = (response) => {
    // console.log(response.results.gender);
    let picText = `<div> <img src="${response.results[0].picture.large}"/> `;
    let info = `${response.results[0].name.first}, ${response.results[0].name.last}  `;
    let moreData = `${response.results[0].dob.date}, ${response.results[0].location.street.name}, ${response.results[0].location.street.number}</div>`;
    document.getElementById('picDiv').innerHTML += picText + info + moreData;


And my HTML


<div id="container">

    <div id="picDiv">
            <button id="buttonData" onclick="getPic()">More details</button>


    <div id="dataDiv">


I've had troubles in the past with buttons. Any help is appreciated. Thanks

Start from here,

for (let i = 1; i < 5; i++){

While calling the api inside for loop, pass index as well,

Then do api call as like yours,

function oneUser(i) {
.then((response) => {
    return response.json();
.then((response) => {
    getPic(response, i);
  .catch(error => {

with one change that passing the received index to the getPic(i) function..

Then in getpic() , have the same code as like you did for picText , info , and moreData and append these to picDiv innerHTML..

  const picText = `<div> <img src="${response.results[0].picture.large}"/> `;

  const info = `${response.results[0].name.first}, ${response.results[0].name.last}  `;

  document.getElementById('picDiv').innerHTML += picText + info;

  const moreData = `<div id="moreData" style="display:none"> ${response.results[0].dob.date}, ${response.results[0].location.street.name}, ${response.results[0].location.street.number}</div>`;

  document.getElementById('picDiv').innerHTML += moreData;

Then create a button with unique id from received index i ..

<button id=moreData${i}>More details</button>

Initially we are making the moreData section alone in display none like,

<div id="moreData" style="display:none">

and the complete function like,

function getPic(response, i){

  const picText = `<div> <img src="${response.results[0].picture.large}"/> `;

  const info = `${response.results[0].name.first}, ${response.results[0].name.last}  `;

  document.getElementById('picDiv').innerHTML += picText + info;

  const moreData = `<div id="moreData" style="display:none"> ${response.results[0].dob.date}, ${response.results[0].location.street.name}, ${response.results[0].location.street.number}</div>`;

  document.getElementById('picDiv').innerHTML += moreData;

  const button = `<button id=moreData${i}>More details</button> <br /><br />`;

  document.getElementById('picDiv').innerHTML += button;



At the end call getMoreData() , with same for loop you did first like,

function getMoreData(){
  for (let i = 1; i < 5; i++) {
    const elem = document.getElementById('moreData' + i);
      elem.addEventListener('click', () => {
        document.getElementById('moreData' + i).previousSibling.style.display = "block"

In this above function we are making the moredata to be displayed once clicking on the more details button by adding unique eventlistener to each button..

Working Example

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