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React TypeScript Object becomes undefined if it accesses state

I have a plain old color class that I've been using in many places in my app:

const Color = {
    cardBackground: '#f8f8f8',
    sidebarBackground: '#eeeeee',
    viewportBackground: '#D8D8D8',

export default Color;

It simply works. Now I want to implement dark mode support without changing external modifications to the code. I decided to hook up to state, read it directly and return the appropriate value in getter:

const Color = {
    cardBackground: '#f8f8f8',
    get sidebarBackground(){ return lightDark('#eeeeee','#222222') },
    viewportBackground: '#D8D8D8',

export default Color;

Where lightDark is defined as:

export function lightDark<T1, T2>(light:T1, dark:T2){
    return themeSelector(store.getState()) == 'dark' ? dark : light;

Now I suddenly get an undefined error in the first place where Color is accessed (not necessarily Color.sidebarBackground , but anything inside Color )

If I modify the code to remove access to the state (just for testing), it starts working:

export function lightDark<T1, T2>(light:T1, dark:T2){
  return themeSelector({session:{theme:'dark'}} as any)  == 'dark' ? dark : light;

What on Earth is going on?

For clarificaition, this is the exact error:

TypeError: Cannot read property 'title' of undefined

where I try to access Color.title , which appears to be the first reference to Color in my app (thus, title is irrelevant).

I also realized that the moment I reference store in any way at all in the file where Color is defined, Color becomes undefined. Even console.log(store); causes Color to become undefined.

Found the problem: something import ed in store was indirectly accessing Color at some point, creating a hard-to-detect circular dependency. I got rid of the reference by refactoring a little bit and the problem is solved.

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