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React Navigation header title in nested tab navigator

I have a Tab Navigator inside a Stack Navigator and I want the header title to be dynamically configured as the title of the tab selected. Like there's 3 tabs: Home, Profile, Add Item and I want the header title to be "Home" when in the home tab, "Profile" when in the profile tab.

I tried using onStateChange on the root navigator and setOptions on the tab navigator but onStateChange is only available in the and not in the nested navigators.

Is their anyway I can archieve this?

The navigator config is:

const TabNav = (
      <Tab.Screen name='Home' component={HomeScreen}/>
      <Tab.Screen name='Profile' component={ProfileScreen}/>
      <Tab.Screen name='Add Item' component={AddItemScreen}/>

      <Stack.Screen name='Login' component={LoginScreen}/>
      <Stack.Screen name='App' component={TabNav}/>

I had a similar Navigation hierarchy with react-navigation v5 and I wanted to change the Header Title inside a View in the nested TabNavigator. I finally achieved it by getting the parent navigation item of the StackNavigator with dangerouslyGetParent() and then using setOptions() .

So here is your minimal Code for one of the three views inside your TabNav:

import React, {useCallback} from 'react';
import { useNavigation, useFocusEffect } from '@react-navigation/native';

const HomeScreen = (props) => {

    // TabNav navigation item
    const navigation = useNavigation();

    // Effect will be triggered everytime the Tab changes 
    //      Mounting is not enough -> Tabs will not be unmount by change
        useCallback(() => {

            // Get StackNav navigation item
            const stackNavigator = navigation.dangerouslyGetParent();

                // Actually set Title
                    title: "Home"
        }, [navigation])
    return (
        /* Component Items */

From documentation https://reactnavigation.org/docs/screen-options-resolution/

import { getFocusedRouteNameFromRoute } from '@react-navigation/native';

function getHeaderTitle(route) {
  // If the focused route is not found, we need to assume it's the initial screen
  // This can happen during if there hasn't been any navigation inside the screen
  // In our case, it's "Feed" as that's the first screen inside the navigator
  const routeName = getFocusedRouteNameFromRoute(route) ?? 'Feed';

  switch (routeName) {
    case 'Feed':
      return 'News feed';
    case 'Profile':
      return 'My profile';
    case 'Account':
      return 'My account';

  options={({ route }) => ({
    headerTitle: getHeaderTitle(route),

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