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API request isn't giving a response

I am trying to use ( https://collegescorecard.ed.gov/data/documentation/ ) to populate a table in my ios app, but there isn't any data displaying. I have tried my api keys and the url a bunch of times so I don't think its that. Structure of the json file

Dev-category school

Name String The institution's name (INSTNM), as reported in IPEDS.

import UIKit
import Alamofire

class ViewController: UIViewController {
    let URLStr = "https://api.data.gov/ed/collegescorecard/v1/schools?fields=school.name"

    var resultArray = [Users]()
    @IBOutlet weak var tableView: UITableView!
    @IBOutlet weak var searchBar: UISearchBar!
     var searchCollege = [String]()

override func viewDidLoad() {
         tableView.dataSource = self
         tableView.delegate = self

    override func didReceiveMemoryWarning() {

func callAPI() {
        let key = "key redacted"
        //let url = URL(string:"\(URLStr)?api_key=\(key)")
        let url = URL(string:"\(URLStr)&api_key=\(key)")
        Alamofire.request(url!, method: .get, parameters: nil, headers:[:]).responseJSON {(response) in
            if let responseObj = response.value as? [[String: Any]]{
                self.resultArray = self.parseJSON(userData: responseObj)
                print("response here", response)

func parseJSON(userData: [[String:Any]])-> [Users] {
    var userArr = [Users]()
    for obj in userData {
        do { let data = try JSONSerialization.data(withJSONObject: obj, options: .prettyPrinted)
            let decodedData = try JSONDecoder().decode(Users.self, from: data)

    catch {

        return userArr


mport Foundation
struct Users: Codable {
    let userSchool_name: String?
enum CodingKeys: String, CodingKey {
    case userSchool_name = "school.name"

I have tried to print out the response and the different objects but nothing prints out. I have a function below that displays it in the app, but I don't think that is the problem.

json output

    metadata =     {
        page = 0;
        "per_page" = 20;
        total = 7112;
    results =     (
            "school.name" = "West Michigan College of Barbering and Beauty";
            "school.name" = "Georgia College & State University";
            "school.name" = "Georgia Southern University";
            "school.name" = "Clayton  State University";
            "school.name" = "Andrew College";
            "school.name" = "Columbus Technical College";
            "school.name" = "Georgia Northwestern Technical College";
            "school.name" = "Atlanta Metropolitan State College";
            "school.name" = "Clark Atlanta University";
            "school.name" = "Augustana College";
            "school.name" = "Miami Ad School at Portfolio Center";
            "school.name" = "Tricoci University of Beauty Culture-Urbana";
            "school.name" = "University of Hawaii at Manoa";
            "school.name" = "Aveda Institute-Twin Falls";
            "school.name" = "Cameo Beauty Academy";
            "school.name" = "Truett McConnell University";
            "school.name" = "Cannella School of Hair Design-Chicago";
            "school.name" = "Valdosta State University";
            "school.name" = "American Academy of Art";
            "school.name" = "City Colleges of Chicago-Kennedy-King College";

First of all delete parseJSON , it makes no sense to convert the JSON to an array, then back to JSON and then to a struct with JSONDecoder

  func parseJSON(userData: [[String:Any]])-> [Users] { var userArr = [Users]() for obj in userData { do { let data = try JSONSerialization.data(withJSONObject: obj, options: .prettyPrinted) let decodedData = try JSONDecoder().decode(Users.self, from: data) userArr.append(decodedData) } catch { } } return userArr } }

Then you have to add a struct for the root object

struct Root: Codable {
    let results : [Users]

struct Users: Codable {
    let userSchool_name: String?

     private enum CodingKeys: String, CodingKey {
        case userSchool_name = "school.name"

And replace the Alamofire part with

   Alamofire.request(url!).responseData { response in
        switch response.result {
            case .success(let data):
                do {
                    self.resultArray = try JSONDecoder().decode(Root.self, from: data).results
                } catch {
            case .failure(let error):

It receives Data rather than a decoded array and handles all errors.

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